

Ever wonder what one gifts to royalty? As we enter this time of Christmas, I’ve found myself wondering, what kind of gifts does Queen Elizabeth receive from her family year after year? What does one give a queen, who appears to have everything?

During my childhood, there was one Christmas that remains clear in my mind. Instead of a tree, that year we chose to put a baby doll surrounded by hay in a wooden rocking cradle passed through the generations. We wrapped lights around our manger and, as the weeks drew closer to Christmas, the presents surrounding our ‘Jesus’ grew.

This year, in an effort to give our girls a similar experience, we created our own manager with a borrowed baby doll and a basket of hay. I printed small pieces of paper kept next to the manager that read, ‘Jesus, I give you. . . ‘ Everyday, we bring prayerful gifts of the heart to our King. What more could our King, who owns everything desire? Isn’t it our fellowship, admiration, praise and love what He ultimately seeks?

So this year, instead of focusing on the presents growing under our Christmas tree, which are plenty, we will seek to focus on the gifts of our hearts, the things we can surrender to our King, Jesus.

What about you? What things are you holding onto that could be released to the only eternal King? What gift can you give Him this season? The manager is available to all. . .



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